
HOD UV offers a proven biofouling control solution for invasive mussels in hydroelectric facilities with the ability to achieve 100% inactivation even under conditions with less than 50% UVT. Control invasive mussels that clog cooling water pipping and fire control systems and protect turbines and heat exchangers from mussel fouling with the HOD UV technology.

For inquiries, contact us at [email protected].

An Advanced and Efficient Hydropower Solution

Biofouling from aquatic invasive species (AIS) has profound operational impacts. Mussels and other AIS attach to or clog submerged surfaces including water intakes, trashracks, cooling water piping, fire control systems and more – resulting in flow restrictions and blockages that threaten water delivery and power reliability. The associated costs from lost power production can be significant.

For more than a decade, Atlantium has been working to apply our environmentally sustainable HOD UV disinfection technology to help hydroelectric facilities prevent biofouling from invasive mussel species and their profound operational effects.

The HOD UV treatment solution is proven effective at controlling biofouling from mussels and other AIS, enabling cleaner and more efficient heat transfer in cooling water exchangers. HOD UV is a cost-effective solution using medium pressure UV light and eliminating the need for corrosive chemicals when treating AIS.

Atlantium Hydro-Optic (HOD) UV for Hydropower Solutions

Hydro Review: Experiences with Using HOD UV Technology to Control Mussel Fouling

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Lower Colorado Region began a series of feasibility studies in 2007 to assess risk from mussel fouling, outline best low-ecological-impact management practices for coping with invasion, and identify control options for raw water systems to prevent invasion and infestation.

Hydro-Optic™ UV — Proven Biofouling Control of Aquatic Invasive Species

For more than a decade Atlantium Technologies has been applying its environmentally sustainable Hydro-Optic™ (HOD) ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technology to help hydroelectric facilities prevent biofouling from invasive mussel species and their profound operational effects.